Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October PTC Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 10, 2013 
 In Attendance: Connie Dewey, Michelle Russell, Mary Hanson, Lora Dougherty, Jodi Blackman, Ruby McClorey, Liz Tardif, Gary Etchemendy, Amy Schroeder, Kurt Haas, Priscilla Tilgner, Michelle Lewis, Shawn Hanson, Amanda Rich, Amy Sargent, Bethany Wachtler, Brianne Abel, Chelsea Davis, Greg Sargent, Heather Roberts, and Rebeka Gipson-King.

The meeting was called to order by Mary Hanson.

  1. Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves and shared what grades their children are in.

  1. Amy Schroeder/Media Presentation:

    1. Amy shared information about her Clean Library Rewards Program that will result in privileges given for each grade participating.  
    2. Also Amy presented on engaging in a “Battle of the Books” and gave information about having a list of 16 books for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.  It is a chance to battle by answering questions.  Popsicle party for all participants.  Amy is available and excited to answer any questions and will update as she gets more information.

  1. Kurt Haas/SMART Reader Presentation:

    1. Kurt presented on SMART Reader and gave information about the program. 
    2. 1st and 2nd graders are the focus with added some 3rd graders. 
    3. Takes place 2x a week in 30 min blocks. 
    4. It is currently able to service 40 students. 
    5. Volunteers are welcome.  A minimum of one hour per week would be required.  Information was given in last week’s Englewood flyer but if you have any questions at all please feel free to contact Kurt.

  1. Principal Report/Gary Etchemendy:

    1. Principal Etchemendy reported out how many hours and days our students have read to date.  2,082 hours and if they read continuously for 24 hours a day they have read for 87 days. 
    2. Math strategy will be used to help kids to remember how to figure out problems not just by memory.

  1. Treasury/Jodi Blackman:

    1. $419 was made at pancake breakfast. 
    2. Budget info for 2013-2014 was handed out.  Budget will be updated monthly.
    3. Donation from WinCo donated $500 gift card
    4. Kettle chips donated 768 bags of Kettle chips to be sold.  Next Kettle chip day Thursday, October 17th.
    5. Gallagher’s fitness will give 10% discount for shoes up to the 18th. Just mention Englewood.

  1. Current Business:

                                          i.    Updated By-Laws were voted on and accepted. 
1.    Jody motioned,
2.    Connie seconded.
3.    All in favor
4.    None opposed
                                        ii.    Jog-a-thon volunteers still needed.  Will be a planning committee meeting on Monday at 5.30pm.
                                       iii.    Box tops are due November 1.  Englewood has raised lots of money last year and hope to raise awareness by telling friends and neighbors to donate them.  A way to give Englewood without costing additional money to donator.  There is a website to look at how much we have raised.  They send checks out 2x per year.  Lora Dougherty can be contacted for more info.  Lora says there is no deadline for soup labels.
                                       iv.    Also taking printer cartridges which can be returned to Staples for gift cards to purchase product.

  1. New Business:

    1. Boon’s hosting a Englewood Family and Friend’s Dining Night Out on Monday, November 4th, 5pm to close.  50% of the profits will go to Englewood. 
    2. The Scholastic Book Fair is coming Nov. 21-22, before/after school.  November 25-26 all day long (9am-8pm).  Muffins and Mummy’s Family Event is up-and-coming 11/21 at 2pm and there will be a Grandparents Lunch on 11/22 at lunch time. 
    3. Winter Fest has been scheduled for December 13th
    4. Family Fun Night will sometime in March or April. Englewood is working on getting volunteers from north Salem so parents can enjoy the night with their family.  Will only need volunteers for set-up and clean up. 
    5. Any of these events can be signed up for at HelpCounter if you are interested in volunteering.

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