Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Volunteer Help Counter Pop-Up

Look for this Pop-Up at the Help Counter's volunteer sign-in in the front office. 

If you plan on volunteering, just click on the green
Send YES
We will contact you with a follow-up email.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Don't Forget... Englewood Family Fun Night Committee

If you are looking for a fun event to volunteer at, the Englewood Family Fun Night Committee’s first committee meeting will be Thursday, January 31, at 6:00 p.m. It will be held in the Englewood Library. We will be discussing the event layout, food, music line-up, activities and more. All are welcome!

If you are interested but cannot attend, please contact Englewood Parent-Club at volunteeratenglewood@gmail.com 

This Friday, January 25, is Popcorn Friday!

Send in a 50¢ with your child(ren) on Friday to have a bag of popcorn delivered to his/her classroom. If you would like to volunteer, please email Englewood Parent-Club at volunteeratenglewood@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Parent Club Meeting Minutes

January 15, 2013

Lara Dougherty Called the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Board Members in Attendance
Amy Terry: Co-President
Mary Hanson: Secretary
Connie Dewey: Co-Volunteer Coordinator
Lora Dougherty: Co-Volunteer Coordinator

Student Presentations                   
Green Team
4 students from Mrs. Martin Baker’s class gave a presentation on how they help a parent volunteer recycle all of the paper, cardboard, and plastic. The Green Team encourages kids to recycle and help Englewood be a member of the Oregon Green Schools.
Children’s Educational Theater Presentation
Student presenters shared their involvement and training experiences at summer CET. Registration for summer program for grades 3-12, 5 days a week for 5 weeks.

Teacher’s Report
Fund Requests                  
Boogie Boards – Digital Tablet                        Mr. Lutz (2nd grade Teacher)
For the amount of $120.00
Appropriated from the School Support; Technology Fund
Motioned: Michelle Lewis
2nd: Amy Terry
All in favor
None opposed
Board Member signed to purchase and follow-up: Amy Terry
Scholastic MATH Magazine                             Grades 3, 4, and 5
For the amount of $162.00
Appropriated from the School Support; Operating Expenses Fund
Motioned: Lora Dougherty
2nd: Amy Terry
All in favor
None opposed
Board Member signed to purchase and follow-up: Amy Terry

Principal’s Report                                               By: Principal Katy Naff
International Reading Association’s Exemplary Reading Program Award
Out of all the schools in Oregon, Englewood was chosen to receive an Exemplary School Award. The Oregon Reading Association presented Englewood with the prestigious International Reading Association’s Exemplary Reading Program Award.
Sarah Hayden an Instructional Coach at Salem Keizer Public Schools wrote a letter that facilitated the Oregon Reading Association to select Englewood as one of the 10 the Board members of the took a tour of. The tour included a view into Englewood’s SMART Reading program coordinated by Kurt Haas, Principal Naff’s winter break reading challenge, and a observation of the teachers and staff of Englewood instilling reading lessons purposefully and authentically.  
Sodexo’s Fine Dining Experience
Englewood was chosen to participate in the Sodexo Fine Dining program. Select students will be chosen by teachers and staff to participate based on good manner tickets they will have a chance to earn. The class with the most tickets wins. Students will receive instruction on dining etiquette followed by a five-course meal served.
Throughout the service, students demonstrated their newly gained knowledge of fine dining skills. Sodexo is the food service provider for Salem-Keizer School District.
Lock-Down Drill
A Lock-Down Drill is taking place in February. A letter will be sent home with students, explaining the drill and different procedures.

New Business
Family Fun Night
Englewood Family Fun Night Planning Meeting        
Thursday, January 31, 2013
When - 6:00 p.m
Where - Library
If you are someone who enjoys having fun, please plan on joining us. This is one committee you definitely want to be part of --- We will need a lot of help to make this event super-fun for the kids. If you can't make the meeting just let Parent-Club know you are available to help, email vounteeratenglewood@gmail.com

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Next Meeting
February 12, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

December Parent Club Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2012

Shawn Hanson Called the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Board Members In attendance
Shawn Hanson: Co-President
Amy Terry: Co-President
Trish Campbell: Treasurer
Mary Hanson: Secretary
Connie Dewey: Co-Volunteer Coordinator
Lora Dougherty: Co-Volunteer Coordinator
Sharayah Cole: : Co-Volunteer Coordinator

Student Presentation                   Lego Robotics                              
The girls and boys teams competed in a tournament at Stevens Middle School with 20 other teams. The Girls got 2nd place and the Boys got 3rd respectively. Both teams were qualified for the State Championships in Hillsboro.
The Junior Robotics Team will be starting soon.

Principals Report                         By: Principal Katy Naff
Art Tiles
-The Englewood Centennial Club had the tiles from the Englewood’s 100th Birthday party framed in cement and will be hung on display in the Library by teacher Mr. Jeff Lutz.
-The monthly assembly take places in the gym are at approximately 8:40 – 9:10 a.m. the dates are in the schools newsletter.
Morning Singing   
-Christmas carols are being sung each morning before school in front of Mr. Lutz room from 8:20 – 8:40 am.
Growth Goals
Englewood’s goals right now are to maintain reading standards. Englewood will be focusing on Math in efforts to improve math standards. 3rd graders will be taking in-room assessment pre and posttests.

Teacher’s Report
Additional Fund Request           By: Mrs. Pagett (Kindergarten Teacher)
-Document Camera
Motioned: Shawn Hanson
2nd: Chelsea Davis
All in favor
None opposed

New News
T-shirts are on sale. Starting Thursday and Fri from 8:15-8:40am, and 2:50-3:20pm. The shirts will be sold at a booth at the Winter Festival. Then they will be sold in the office.

Winter Festival Update
We need more volunteers, plans to send out email.

Thank-you posters
For WinCo, Home Depot, Lowes, and Oriental Trading Company donations to Winter Festival.

Look into getting proper ventilation. Get a bid from a contractor. Find out district regulations.

Family Fun Night
Friday March 1, 2013
Chairs- Amy Terry and Trish Campbell

Old News
Scholastic Book Fair
Raised $127 for each teacher

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Next Meeting
January 15, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Family Fun Night Planning Committee

Englewood is an Exemplary School