Constitution and By-Laws

Amended August 2013


The name of this organization is the Englewood Parent Teacher Club (PTC).


The purpose of the club is:

  1. To encourage Englewood Elementary School parents to participate in activities which enrich our children’s school life through:
    1. Providing parental assistance and information about the programs of Englewood Elementary School.
    2. Sponsoring student activities and organizations in Englewood Elementary School.
    3. Raising funds to provide materials, equipment and activities not included in the school budget.
    4. Building a network of support for young people by linking home, school, and community.
    5. Creating a partnership that combines the resources of home and school to provide consistent guidance and support for Englewood Elementary School students.
    6. Providing support for school educational, recreational & social activities.


  1. Membership includes Englewood Elementary School parents, faculty or staff or any adult interested in the objectives of the club and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its constitution.


  1. The PTC shall hold regular monthly meetings during the school calendar year.  The Board shall announce the general membership meetings at least one week prior to the meeting. One general membership meeting shall be held in May for the election of new officers.

  1. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board.

  1. Only members in attendance at a meeting may vote.
    1. A vote is carried by a simple majority vote of the members present.
    2. The principal is a full voting member of the PTC with the exception to district policy No. DIE/R/11.03
    3. Each faculty representative in attendance at a meeting is a full voting member of the PTC with the exception to district policy No. DIE/R/11.03


  1. The Executive Board consists of the following officers:

    1. President
    2. Vice-President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Volunteer Coordinator

  1. Nominations
1.    The prior consent of each candidate shall be obtained before nomination.
2.    Nominations will be presented at the PTC general meeting in April and will be voted on at the May meeting. 

  1. Elections
    1. There will be a ballot vote if there is more than one candidate for any office.
    2. If there is only one candidate for any office, that candidate shall stand elected.
    3. Officers are elected by a simple majority of votes cast through a secret ballot.
    4. The Principal shall count the ballots and report the outcome of the election.
    5. The new Executive Board will assume duties at the conclusion of the Mays meeting. This meeting will be a transitional meeting for the incoming and outgoing board members, led by the outgoing members.  New board members will conduct June’s meeting with outgoing board by their side.
    6. A meeting to include outgoing and incoming officers will be held following the election to pass the information and pertinent materials from the old Board to the new Board. This includes a notebook with duties, ideas, and general information regarding that office.

  1. Vacancies
    1. A vacancy occurring in an elected office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

  1. Removal
    1. Any board member who misses 3 meetings may be removed from the board.  Should an officer be removed or is unable to fulfill their term of office, the president shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.


  1. Each elected officer serves a one year term.
  2. A person should not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms unless said position is unable to be filled.
  3. The treasurer may serve for up to three consecutive terms.


  1. Executive Board - Each position should provide and update a notebook with pertinent information to be passed on to each new Board Member.
1.    President; Presides at all meetings of the club and the Executive Board and performs as an Ex-Officio member of all committees, appoints all committee chairpersons, convenes special meetings, keeps in close contact with the needs of the principal and staff, promotes the purposes and policies of the club by communicating with all officers and committees.
2.    Vice-President: Acts as aide to the President, presides at meetings in the President’s absence, serve as fundraising coordinator, work with fundraising chairpersons and will chair the childcare coordination for general meetings.
3.    Secretary: Keeps a correct record of and reports all general meetings of the club and Executive Board; handles all club correspondence; types minutes and submits them for approval at each general meeting.
4.    Treasurer: Receives all money of the club, keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, disburses club funds as authorized by the club, reports club fiscal condition regularly and makes a full annual report at the end of the school year. The treasurer is also responsible for overseeing and providing information for the annual budget.
5.    Volunteer Coordinators: Act as liaison between staff and volunteers, collects volunteer forms, coordinates volunteers for activities and classroom assistance.

B.        The Executive Board shall:
  1. Transact the business of the club.
  2. Inform the general membership of dates and times of meetings and club activities and other plans and decisions of the Board.
  3. Approve the plans and work of all committees.
  4. Support all projects as determined by the club throughout the year.

C.        Duties of the Chairpersons
  1. Terms of office for Chairpersons shall run for one year.
  2. Each chairperson appointed by the President shall carry out a project approved by the Executive Board. Each fundraising project shall have a chairperson.
  3. The Chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the PTC Board, which must approve all such reports.
  4. Each chairperson shall make a brief, written report to the Executive Board upon completion of the project, addressing successes or improvements needed if the project is to be repeated in subsequent years.


A.   In April of each year, the Executive Board shall submit a proposed budget for the school year to be approved by the club membership. This statement shall include proposed fundraising projects, expenses associated with those projects and activities, materials or equipment to be purchased or supported by those activities.

B.   The fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30.

C.   The PTC may raise money and set aside necessary funds every year for field trips and operating expenses including printing expenses, software expenses, and any other PTC operating expenses.

D.   The Executive Board has the authority to authorize expenditures for the PTC less than $200, which have not already been included in the budget.  Requests over $200 which have not already been included in the budget shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board at least one week prior to the regularly scheduled club meeting.

E.   No committee of the club shall obligate the club without prior approval from the Executive Board.

F.    Any expense reimbursement sought must be accompanied by the appropriate receipt and statement of the nature of the expense and for which project it was incurred.

G.   All chairpersons, or their designee, involved in fundraising or money-making activities are required to count and record all funds taken in for their activity, prior to submitting to the funds to the Treasurer to be deposited in a club account.


A.   In the spring, the Executive Board solicits information from staff about potential needs for the next year.
B.   The board then puts together the proposed budget.
C.   The board presents the budget at the April monthly PTC meeting.
D.   The treasurer reviews the proposed budget line by line and then the meeting is open for discussion.
E.   During discussion if there is consensus to change the budget, it is changed without voting at this point (for example, if they think the music teacher should get more money, then whoever proposes it also proposes where the money would come from).  If most people agree, then the change is made.  This is a collaborative process.
F.    Once the discussion is done, they vote to accept the budget as discussed (with the changes made from discussion).  The process takes approximately 10-30 minutes.
G.   Once funds have been approved, no more additional voting is done unless there is a change in the budget.  Some of the funds are transferred to the school, and some are expended directly out of the PTC account.  For example, the jog-a-thon coordinator is given an amount she can spend.  She can spend that amount of money without asking about the purchases.  If she needs envelopes - she buys them and then gets reimbursed.
H.   This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the club by a two-thirds vote of the members present, providing the proposed amendment has been circulated to membership at least two weeks in advance.


This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the club, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, providing the proposed amendment has been circulated to membership at least two weeks in advance.

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