Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December PTC Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 12, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm

The meeting was called to order by Mary Hanson.

INTRODUCTIONS:  Everyone introduced themselves and shared what grades their children are in.

In Attendance: Gary Etchemendy, Amy Sargent, Connie Dewey, Mike Dougherty, Dan Mahoney, Lora Dougherty, Ruby McClorey, Hurt Haas, Michelle Lewis, Chelsea Davis, Mary Hanson, Priscilla Tilgner, Michelle Russell, Jody Blackman, and Liz Tardif.


  • Principal Etchemendy reported out Reading at Home (RAH) is underway and students who reach their reading targets respective to their grade will be given prizes. 
  • Book Fair earned enough to supplement the Library $1,000 and Library also given $500 additional funds from another school. 
  • The library will be getting rid of old worn books and replacing them with more up-to-date books.  Donations of books in good condition will be accepted. 
  • Update on Computer Updates.  The district will be updating Englewood's computers in the lab and then a trickle down of swapping out older computers throughout the school will happen from the computers from the lab. 
  • Book Study Math Fluency has been completed and parents may see more homework over the winter break. 
  • Artist in Residence for Ceramics has been contacted and classes will take place coming up in the new year.
TREASURY/JODI BLACKMAN:  Financial actuals and projections were given out for review.   

  • Mary Hanson motioned that Amy Sargent be the Co-Volunteer Coordinator and everyone was in favor.  
  • Family  Literacy program has been set up to take place in the last 2 weeks of January.  Typical lessons will last about 60-90 minutes.  Maximum of 40 attendees and cost is $1 per session fee to sign up.  Mary suggested a waiting list for next time if the class maxes out and participants do not make it this time around. 
  • McTeacher night will be February 4th. 
  • AC Gilberts house will come to Englewood  the last 2 weeks and February it will be some Science based activities for groups of up to 100 participants. 
  • Family Fun night will be Friday, April 4th,  5-8pm. 
  • Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be before and after school May 5-9 and will include a parent’s lunch this time that will take place on May 5th. 
  • Chuck-E-Cheese event has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 4th after school til close.
  • Grade 5 graduation was discussed.  Historically, it is the grade 5 parents who come up with Theme etc but the grade 4 parents then do the volunteering and work so that the parents of graduates may enjoy the time with their 5th graders.
No School Days
  • Friday, December 20th
  • Winter Break December 23rd – January 3rd
  • Monday, January 20th, 2014
  • Monday, January 27th 2014
Next Parent Club Meeting is Thursday February 13th,  6:00pm-7:00pm

Thursday, December 12, 2013

PTC Meeting Tonight

November PTC Meeting Minutes

November Englewood Parent Teacher Club Meeting
Thursday, November 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm

The meeting was called to order by Mary Hanson.

Everyone introduced themselves and shared what grades their children are in.

  • Principal Etchemendy reported out there is currently 392 children attending Englewood School. 
  • He then spoke about how state testing will changes and showed examples of Math and Language Arts testing.  This year students will get 2 chances to take the test and next year only one chance.  The students will be given more time in computer lab to work on keyboarding in preparation for the tests which require some keyboarding skills to be able to respond to some of the questions.  There will be upgrades in technology coming in incremental stages.  There will be more homework given online.  Currently they have iLearn and about 46 states have adopted Core Standards so far. 
  • Lice outbreak notification process was discussed.  3 or more confirmed cases in the class before notification go out to the parents of that class.
  • Amy updated information about Battle of the Books. 
  • 25 Teams have been made and parent permission slips go out next week. 
  • Will start “Battling” after winter break. 
  • Finishes about Mid-February and early March will be a Regional Battle in Woodburn. 
  • The Winning and Alternate Team will be going to the Regional Competition. 
  • Parents of team will be responsible for travel to and from and anyone wishing to volunteer is welcome at any time.
  • Please contact Amy for any information or any feedback, comments or concerns. 

  • Financial actuals and projections were given out for review. 
  • Jog-A-Thon was a huge success.  Over $12K was earned in pledges and Englewood raised enough money to give parties to all the classes.  The $60 party will be on November 15 at 2pm.
  • $1,215.50 was raised at the Boons Treasury: Family Night Out fundraiser.
  • Volunteers are desperately required for the Fall Book Fair on 11/21 and parents are encouraged to attend 11/19 volunteer planning meeting from 5:30-7:00pm. 
  • Writing Workshops from Willamette University Family events were discussed along with some other 60-90 minute Workshops (Science and Art Night) by AC Gilbert House as possible family fun time. 
  • Michelle Motioned and Rebecca seconded having Karl Knudson as the Artist in Residence. Englewood’s Kiln in now operational.  Mr. Knudson will be contacted to see when he can come to Englewood.  It is thought he will spend an hour with the teacher before he spends an hour with each class.  More details to follow.  Principal Etchemendy has more details will follow. 

  • Need volunteers and craft ideas for Winter Festival on Friday, December 13th.  Any ideas on Wreaths as the usual donations will not be coming this year.
  • Any  event can be signed up for at Help Counter if you are interested in volunteering please make sure you background check is current.
  • The volunteer log on will let you know if you do not have a current back ground check in place.
Next Parent Club Meeting is Thursday December 12th 6:00pm-7:00pm