Friday, May 10, 2013

Last Day of School --- Friday, June 7th

April PC Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2013

Englewood Parent Club Meeting was called to order by Shawn Hanson at 6:00 p.m. in the  Library.

Board Members in attendance:

Co-Presidents: Shawn Hanson and Amy Terry

Treasurer: Trish Campbell

Secretary: Mary Hanson

Co-Volunteer Coordinators: Connie Dewey and Lora Dougherty

Introductions Were Made Around The Room.

II.        Student Presentations                  By: Miss. Rachel Kuenzi’s 4th Grade Class
·         Students demonstrated how they use the SMART boards in their classrooms when practicing finding longitude and latitude on a map on the world.

·         Miss Kuenzi’s class is learning a Louis and Clack unit. The SMART board is used to create learning material.

·         They are learning the roles for the different job assignments

·         Miss Kuenzi says she uses the SMART board everyday

o   Mostly for math

o   Daily instructions

·         Creating a lesson plan for the SMART board can be made as went along or some slides can take up to 40 minutes (but can be used over and over again).

III.        Principal Report                 By. Mrs. Katy Naff

·         Discussed Common Core State Standards

o   To see Oregon Common Core State Standards in Math CLICK HERE. 
o   To see  Oregon Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts & Literacy CLICK HERE
·         Progress Reports

·         State Assesments

·         Standards

·         Planning

·         All Day Staff Development Day

o   May 3

o   Scope Sequence

o   Familiarizing With Next Years Teaching Plans

·         Changes At A Statewide Level

·         Priorities

o   Mobile lab

o   More SMART board training

§  “show and tell” on useful lessons

§  Easy tips and tricks

IV.        Board Reports

Treasures Report               By Trish Campbell

·         Budget

o   We made less money overall during the 2012/13 school year

·         Need to increase fundraising or find a way to make more with the fundraisers we have in place.

·         Communication need to increase

·         Require more volunteers for events

·         Additional participation and more individuals to join parent-cub meeting and help with events

V.        Current Business

·         Sports-Fest 2013/14 School Year Planning Meeting Set

o   Tuesday, April 30

o   5:30-6:30

o   Library

·         Teacher Application Week
o   May 6th To 10th

o   Staff Coffee Lounge Set-Up

VI.       Old Business
·         Art Fund
o   Kiln

o   Principal Katy Naff and the district looking a possible space to place the kiln.

o   The figure for the kiln exhaust is $5,190.  This breaks down as $3,550 for the fabbing and installation of the hood and exhausting through the roof, $1,440 for running the power and $200 for parts and roof patching.  This does not include any fixing up of the room.

o   $2000.00 art fund could be approved to be affixed to next years fund to pay for costs.

o   $1,748.27 from the maps market investor account  "rainy day fund" (which we need to close anyway)

Meeting Was Adjourned At 7:00 P.M.

Next Meeting

May 14, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

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Englewood students experience fine dining.

Principal Mrs. Katy Naff dines with  Mrs. Martin-Baker's classroom, who won the fine dining experience.

Sodexo’s fine dining and etiquette program selected a classroom at Englewood Elementary School and offered a gourmet meal to students on April 23, 2103. The students dressed for the occasion and enjoyed their four-course meal.

Prior to the fine dining event, the selected students learned basic skills to utilize while dining, such as use of utensils, table manners, and how to eat certain foods. The program rewards and educates students with a foundation of good manners and etiquette that will contribute to their future success.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Parent Club May Updates

About Parent Club
All parents of students attending Englewood Elementary School are members of the Parent Club.  It is the mission of the Englewood Elementary School Parent Club to facilitate, encourage and ensure ongoing community building by providing activities, fundraising events and volunteer services to the school.

May 6-10       Teacher Appreciation
Please Bring in Desserts on Monday, May 6. Let’s say ‘Thank you’ for the teacher’s hard work and dedication. If you would like to help pamper Englewood’s Teachers you can donate, please contact 

Englewood’s Last Parent Club Meeting 
May 14, 2013

The board needs to fill many positions for next year.
We need your help. The board consists of parents, who assist in directing, organizing, and implementing the fundraisers and community events held at Englewood throughout the year. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month, at 5:00 before each Parent Club Meeting. Please consider lending your talents to the board for this upcoming school year.   Contact Mary Hanson, the 2012/13 Board Secretary, at or call (503)991-2889, if you are interested or have any questions about a particular position. Please join us. Englewood needs you.
Board Member Openings
  • President
  • Co-President
  • Co-Treasurer
  • Co- Secretary
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Book Fair Coordinator
  • Picture Day Coordinator
  • Room Parent Coordinator
  • Event Coordinator
*If you are not interested in the above positions, we would love to create a position unique to you. Please come to the next meeting and let us know.

We Love our Volunteers!
Top 10 Volunteers (as of May 1st)
  1. Corinne Eckley
  2.  Amy Terry
  3. Kurt Haas
  4. Nereida Carlson
  5. Sharayah Cole
  6. Trish Campbell
  7. Georgette McClelland
  8. Susan and Charles Rembert
  9. Mandy Zeek
  10. Paula Kowert

Monday, May 6 to Friday, May 10