Monday, September 23, 2013

Pancake Breakfast Is Saturday

Hello Englewood Community,
Just a reminder Englewood's Annual Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, September 28 at 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. in the Cafeteria. 
The cost is only $5.00 per family. 
We will see you there!
---We still in need of food/supply donations---
  • Pancake Mix (Krusteaz or any kind you mix w/ water).
  • Plates
  • Forks
  • Cups
  • Chocolate chips
  • Fruit (fresh, frozen, canned).
  • Coffee Creamer
  • Napkins
And there are still quite a few volunteer shifts still open. 
You can sign-up for a shift through Help Counter, just go to 
or email
Thank you,
The Pancake Breakfast Planning Committee

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September PTC Meeting Minutes

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
1.    The meeting was called to order by Mary Hanson.
In Attendance: Connie Dewey, Jeff Lutz, Mary Hanson, Michelle Russell, Lora Dougherty, Laura Hofer, Lisa Martin-Baker, Michelle Lewis, Chelsea Davis, Jay Gipson-King, Rebeka Gibson-King, Lelsie Morganstern, Ruby McClorey, Megan Nuttbrock, and Shawn Hanson, 

. TEACHER REPORT: from Mrs. Liz Tardif and students from her 3rd/4th grade class.
¾    Students shared their "Private Eyes" with us (a jeweler's loop) which they use to
¾    investigate tiny worlds around them and read the classroom's poem "Our Hands".

2.    INTRODUCTIONS: followed with everyone introducing themselves and sharing what grades their children are in (or how many students are in their classroom).

3.    PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: Mr. Etchemendy started his report with information about this year's new "RAH" (Read at home) program. This is meant to be a fun reading time for each student every night as daily practice is shown to be more effective than just once or twice per week.
¾    Kindergarten students are expected to read 10 minutes per night
¾    1st & 2nd graders -15 minutes
¾    3rd-5th graders- 20 minutes

¾    Next, Mr. Etchemendy talked about Englewood's Report Card for the 2012-2013 school year. Englewood scored a 4 (out of 5 possible) overall. This score is based on three areas, Achievement (25% of score), Growth (50%), and Subgroup (25%), and is tied into the standardized testing that each 3rd-5th grade students participate in yearly.
¾    Next year will be new tests
¾    Each school has a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. This year, Englewood will focus on the new Common Core State Standards.
¾    This year we'll see new progress reports that are in line with the new standards. (They will look similar, but will have some new wording)
¾    Increased Family Involvement and Leadership Development are other goals for this year.
¾    Note that the school calendar will be kept current on the website and will include holidays, inservice days, Englewood community events, field trips, etc. (If you use google calendar on your smartphone, you can overlay the school calendar onto your own).

·         BUDGET:
¾    Our yearly budget has a new format, with expenses and income showing a balanced budget. With Mr. Etchemendy's guidance, the current year's budget would lso include "mini grant" money (Set aside for unexpected extras), carryover general, contingency (leftovers), and money from reserves set aside for a future big playground toy (As he has indicated that all galvanized play equipment will eventually have to be phased out of use and replacements may or may not be covered by the district)
o   Michelle Lewis motioned that we accept the newly revised budget for 2013-2014. Connie Dewey seconds the motion, and is passed by a majority vote.
¾    When asked if the allocated technology funds were being used, it was announced that the last two SMART boards have been ordered and are waiting to be installed soon. Mr. Etchemendy indicated that the staff is currently discussing what the best use may be for the remaining funds and that no decisions have been made as of yet.
¾    Since the last meeting in May, 2013 when board positions were elected, there have been some vacancies.
¾    The proposed board members are as follows:
o   PRESIDENT- Mary Hanson
o   VICE PRESIDENT- Michelle Russell
o   TREASURER- Jodi Blackman
o   SECRETARY- Ruby McClorey (who volunteered when Lora Dougherty requested a replacement)
o   Connie Dewey motions to approve the board positions as a whole, with Michelle Russell seconding the motion. Passed by a majority vote.
·         NAME CHANGE:
¾    Connie Dewey motions to change the name to Englewood Parent Teacher Club. Shawn Hanson seconds the motion. Passed by a majority vote.
¾    On site before and after school childcare provider has changed this school year to SKEF (Salem Keizer Education Foundation). Provider selection happens yearly, and former principal Katy Naff was involved in selecting SKEF over the previous provider YCare through the YMCA.
¾    Some parents expressed concerns about the ratio of academics to active time and about the meal schedule. Mr. Etchemendy suggested communication between the concerned parents and the provider first, but would be willing to meet with all parties to work on a suitable solution.
·         PANCAKE BREAKFAST- September 28th, 8:00-10:00
¾    Donations and volunteers needed. Sign-up sheets located on the sign in desk inside front doors. Information available on help counter and Facebook. Drop off supplies to box at office.
¾    Kick off- Friday, October 4th
¾    Event day- Friday, October 18th
¾    Planning committee dates: September 19th and 26th at 5:30
¾    We are looking for business sponsors for 400 t-shirts.
¾    BOONE'S location- Monday, November 4th from 5:00 PM-Close
¾    McMennamins will donate 50% of proceeds to PTC.
¾    November 21st-22nd
¾    Before and after school
¾    Family Events
§  Muffins for Mummy's (open at 2:00)
§  Grandparents Lunch (must preorder lunch)
¾    November 25th -26th from 9:00-8:00pm
·         BYLAWS: Proposed changed to PTC's bylaws are posted on the PTC blog and
o   will be voted on at the next meeting.
·         Boy's & Girl’s Club Transportation. It has recently been decided that due to lack of funding, transportation will not be provided after school to the Boy's & Girl's Club. Waiting on response from director and brainstorming other options.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

T-Shirt Sponsorship Form

If you, your business, or if you have any leads on a business that may be interested, please contact Parent Teacher Club at - 
This form can be emailed to you or you can pick up a copy in the office. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pancake Breakfast Time!

Rise and Shine!

The cost is only $5.00 per Family

Our annual Englewood Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is coming up Saturday, September 28th and we are asking for your help!

This is a community event all students, families, and friends of Englewood are invited to attend. Last year’s event was successful and a lot of fun! This year we plan on a large attendance as well, who doesn't love pancakes. Our successes have been possible because of past contributions. We are asking students and their families to help by donating items for the event.

Donations Needed:
• Pancake mix (Krusteaz 10lb. Bags)
• Syrup (10 bottles)
• Tub of butter (2 Large)
• Peanut butter (4)
• Strawberries (10 lbs)
• Bananas (10 Bunches)
• Canned peaches (20 Large Cans)
• Whipped Cream (20)
• Chocolate chips (4 bags)
• Orange juice (30 concentrate)
• Coffee Creamer (6)
• Paper plates (300)
• Plastic utensils (300 each of forks, spoons, knives)
• Disposable cups (300)

• Napkins (300)

If you’d like to sign-up for a shift, please go online and log-in to HelpCounter©:

Login Name: englewood
Password: 62rew7

Set Up: 7:00 – 8:00am
Cooking and Serving Shift 1: 7:45 – 8:45am
Cooking and Serving Shift 2: 8:45 – 9:45am
Clean Up: 10:00 – 10:30am

Otherwise, email PTC and tell us what shift you can work.

Any proceeds from the event will be used to enhance the children’s education. A successful event will provide Englewood children the opportunity to attend field trips and acquire essential supplies, which are not normally allocated by the district.

Mary Hanson (503) 991-2889 is the chair for this event and will be the contact person if you have any questions or you can email

Thank you,
Englewood Parent Club

Federal Tax ID #93-6000763 – for donations