Thursday, December 12,
2013 6:00pm-7:00pm
The meeting was called to order by Mary Hanson.
INTRODUCTIONS: Everyone introduced themselves and shared what grades their children are in.
- Principal Etchemendy reported out Reading at Home (RAH) is underway and students who reach their reading targets respective to their grade will be given prizes.
- Book Fair earned enough to supplement the Library $1,000 and Library also given $500 additional funds from another school.
- The library will be getting rid of old worn books and replacing them with more up-to-date books. Donations of books in good condition will be accepted.
- Update on Computer Updates. The district will be updating Englewood's computers in the lab and then a trickle down of swapping out older computers throughout the school will happen from the computers from the lab.
- Book Study Math Fluency has been completed and parents may see more homework over the winter break.
- Artist in Residence for Ceramics has been
contacted and classes will take place coming up in the new year.
- Mary Hanson motioned that Amy Sargent be the Co-Volunteer Coordinator and everyone was in favor.
- Family Literacy program has been set up to take place in the last 2 weeks of January. Typical lessons will last about 60-90 minutes. Maximum of 40 attendees and cost is $1 per session fee to sign up. Mary suggested a waiting list for next time if the class maxes out and participants do not make it this time around.
- McTeacher night will be February 4th.
- AC Gilberts house will come to Englewood the last 2 weeks and February it will be some Science based activities for groups of up to 100 participants.
- Family Fun night will be Friday, April 4th, 5-8pm.
- Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be before and after school May 5-9 and will include a parent’s lunch this time that will take place on May 5th.
- Chuck-E-Cheese event has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 4th after school til close.
- Grade 5 graduation was
discussed. Historically, it is the grade
5 parents who come up with Theme etc but the grade 4 parents then do the
volunteering and work so that the parents of graduates may enjoy the time with
their 5th graders.
- Friday, December 20th
- Winter Break December 23rd – January 3rd
- Monday, January 20th, 2014
- Monday, January 27th 2014