Wednesday, November 26, 2014

WinterFest is coming soon!

The PTC is excited about our upcoming event, WinterFest!  This is an evening of fun for the whole family.  Please consider volunteering some of your time to help at this event.  We need helpers for setup, serving food, helping at the cookie decorating or Bingo stations and clean up.  Please be on the look out for a Help Counter email with a link to sign up for shifts at WinterFest.  If you are not currently signed up to receive our emails, please follow this link to get signed up with Help Counter: 
Click here to sign up for Help Counter

We are looking forward to having some fun while kicking off the holiday season!  Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Englewood's 2nd Annual Jog-A-Thon Was A Success!

Last week, the Englewood PTC officially wrapped up our Jog-A-Thon fundraiser festivities with the $60 party.  

This year, Englewood students raised a grand total of $13,101.65!  Way to go, Englewood Eagles!

The PTC would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who helped us make this a fun and successful event.  We had some amazing volunteers help out on the day of the Jog-A-Thon as well as at the $60 party. Thanks to our generous T-shirt sponsors we were able to give each Englewood student and staff member a Jog-A-Thon t-shirt.  We also had some very generous community support that allowed us to reward each classroom for the awesome job they did raising money for our school.   Chuck E. Cheese donated 30 pizzas for our reward parties and Winco gave us gift cards that allowed us to purchase supplies for the classroom ice cream parties and for the $60 party.  Our students worked hard raising so much money for our school, and we are very grateful to have had so much support in rewarding them for all their hard work!

Thank you to our T-shirt sponsors:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The Fall Book Fair starts tomorrow at Englewood!  

The book fair will be open before and after school through Tuesday, November 18.  
Friday, November 14 is our Grandparents Lunch and Book Fair Browse.  On that day the book fair will be open for extended shopping hours from 11:30am-1:00pm. 
 Please plan on visiting our book fair and be sure to check out our Classroom Wish List display and help stock our classroom libraries!

Junior Crew Member Amber shows off the Classroom Wish List display

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Book Fair and Grandparents Lunch Coming Soon!

Englewood Elementary School is proud to announce this year's Book Fair theme - Sir Readalot’s Castle: Enter the Kingdom of Books! Please make plans to visit our Book Fair. 

Event Dates: Wednesday, November 12 through Tuesday, November 18
Before and after school
Event – Grandparent’s Lunch - Friday, November 14

Hope to see you there!

And if you’re all booked up during Book Fair week be sure to visit the Book Fair online at  Englewood Online Book Fair Our Online Fair is available for extended shopping from November 12 through December 2. 

For questions please email  

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Volunteer at our fall Book Fair — an exciting celebration of reading with hundreds of fun, engaging, affordable books for kids to discover. Join our volunteer team to:

The Book Fair coordinators are looking for volunteers to help during the Grandparent Lunch and Book Fair Browse, Friday, November 14. 

Volunteer Duties include:
  • Help set up table, chairs and decorations. 
  • Help greet and take money for lunch tickets ($3.60 each). 
  • Show Grandparents to the Cafeteria to meet students and get lunch. 
  • Five 1 hour long shifts are available 9:30am to 2:30pm.
To sign up to volunteer for this year’s Book Fair visit: Englewood Elementary School Home Access
Or Email:

We appreciate your support in whatever form it takes,
Englewood PTC

Friday is Patriotic Day at Englewood

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October PTC Meeting Tonight

Please join us this evening from 6:00-7:00pm 
In the Englewood library for our October PTC meeting.  

On the Agenda 
Teacher Reports 
Principal Report 
Counselor Report 
PTC Treasurer Report 
Code Academy Info 
Current Events 
Pancake Breakfast re-cap 
Box Tops Classroom Competition 
Upcoming Events 
Scholastic Book Fair 
Grandparents Lunch

Childcare provided.
See you there!

Jog-a-thon is Tomorrow!

The 2nd annual Englewood Jog-a-thon is tomorrow! 
That's Thursday, October 9th, 2014.
The Jog-a-thon is Englewood’s major school year fundraiser. Students collect pledges and/or donations from families & friends to raise money to support the school's operating budget. Donations may be used to enhance curricular programs, and further the mission of the school. All donations are tax-deductible. For reference our tax ID is #93-6000763. Ask you employer if they will match donation funds. 

Get out that comfortable outfit tonight, and make sure the kids are well-hydrated and well-fed before they go to sleep tonight.

The Jog-a-thon has become one of the main fundraisers for the PTC. Last year over $12,900 was raised! Our students collectively ran an average of 12-16 laps in 20 minutes!

Money raised through Jog-a-thon pledges provides support for field trips, technology, classroom supplies, the library, family nights and a whole lot more!

We encourage students to raise $60 each/$100 per family. However, No pledge amount is too low or too high.

For families new to the school or for those who have not made it out to watch the fun, the Jog-a-thon provides a whole lot of energy and excitement for everyone involved. Groups of volunteers and supporters join the kids as they challenge themselves and encourage each other to walk, skip and jog around the course.

We encourage and welcome everyone to come out and cheer, volunteer, or run a lap or two with the kids!

Jog-a-thon Donations due October 13-15, Monday to Wednesday

If you bring in your packet on time you will receive a small prize!
We will continue to accept donations until Friday, October 17th.
Remember that all donations will go directly towards funding Englewood.
Thank you all for your support!

Monday, October 6, 2014

September PCT Meeting Minutes (English/Spanish)

September Parent-Teacher Club
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 11, 2014

PTC Executive Board Members in Attendance:  Amy Sargent (President), Connie Dewey (Co-Vice President), Bethany Wachtler (Co-Vice President), Jodi Blackman (Treasurer), Mary Hanson (Co-Secretary), Ruby McClorey (Co-Secretary), Michelle Lewis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Chelsea Davis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Gary Etchemendy (Principal)

Amy Sargent called the meeting at 6:00pm. Everyone was greeted. Amy introduced the 2014/15 Executive Board Members to the room.

Teacher Reports
The first Teacher Report started with Mrs. Teri Birkel one of Englewood’s 5th Grade Teachers. Mrs. Teri Birkel has been with the school 17 years, and was thrilled with the turnout at the PTC meeting. She shared the 5th grade place value mats. Right now the students are learning multiplication and division of decimals, using Common Core. The room was handed out place value charts and asked to multiply some numbers. Mrs. Teri Birkel used the smart board and digital projector to show the reasons why you move the decimals.

Parent and Staff Introductions
Introductions around the room was made, as well as what grade what student’s grades are in, were made around the room.

Teacher Reports Continued
The second Teacher Report was from Mrs. Melanie Rourke, the Englewood Music teacher. Mrs. Melanie Rourke and Mrs. Liz Tardif spent 4 weeks this summer repainting the Salem Capital mural in the gym. The mural was originally painted by the 2005 5th Grade class as a gift to Englewood. The mural was fading and chipping. They repainted the same image and added sealant to insure it will last. Mrs. Melanie Rourke also discussed the changes in General Music curriculum. The music program follows the Common Core. Last year Mrs. Melanie Rourke implemented writing songs and group work.  Mrs. Melanie Rourke showed the 1st grade grading rubric and curriculum.  Mrs. Melanie Rourke them showed an example on how she teacher rhythmic dictation.

Principal Report
Next, the Principal Report was given by Mr. Gary Etchemendy. He went over the goals for the new school year, the Reading at Home (RAH) Log sheet, and the Englewood State Report Card. Mr. Gary Etchemendy wanted everyone to know that if there is anything you want him to address or discuss at the PTC meeting to call or email him so he can add them into the meeting’s agenda. This year Englewood is using more in-depth learning data to increase score for students. He also discussed the improvement in attendance, and that the schools demographics have changed and now Englewood offers free lunch to the entire student population. Mr. Gary Etchemendy then went over the new progress report, which is based on the end of the year scores. Which made lead to some confusion at the first grade report cards in November, it is very important for parents to attend their student-teacher conferences in November to understand the Elementary Proficiency Based Grading. Parents are encourage to talk to their students’ teachers for any questions or additional information. Mr. Gary Etchemendy then showed a video explaining the grading system. Principal Etchemendy then went on to talk about the October RAH calendar log sheet. He told parents to look at the back side of the sheet in October, you can find your students reading level. Principal Etchemendy told us that last year more books were checked out and returned from the library than ever in years past.
The new Englewood Counselor Mr. Alan Kanne was in attendance and was introduced by Principal Etchemendy. Mr. Alan Kanne is full time and worked at Englewood before.

The Treasurer Report was given by Mr. Gary Etchemendy. This summer we receive a check from the Chuck E Cheese fundraiser money and are soon to receive the Fred Meyer Community Rewards money raised this summer.

Upcoming Events           
Box Tops Classroom Competition
The contest begins on September 15 and ends on Friday, October 17
The 3 classrooms that bring in the most Box Top$ receive a popcorn party, and the Teacher receives $25.00 to spend at the scholastic Book Fair.
We will cut box tops at the next PTC meeting and we need them all cut and sent in by the deadline date of November 1.
Pancake Breakfast          
                Saturday, September 27, 8-10am             
                Volunteers and donations needed         
                Kick Off Assembly - Friday, 9/26               
                Event – Thursday, 10/9 
                Planning meeting – Tuesday, 9/16, 5:30pm         
                Seeking T-shirt sponsors              
Scholastic Book Fair       
                November 12-18, before and after school           
                Grandparents Lunch – Friday, 11/14       

New Business
New Business was discussed by Connie Dewey. PTC looking for Childcare Providers, is you know any students 7th-12th grade we would like to make a list of childcare staff to call on if needed. We pay $15 an hour and are need the 2nd Thursday throughout the school year, except in January.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:57pm by Amy Sargent, who thanked everyone for attending.

Septiembre PTC Acta de la reunión en Español:

September Parent-Teacher Club
Meeting Minutes
Jueves, 11 de septiembre, 2014

PTC Executive Board Members in Attendance:  Amy Sargent (President), Connie Dewey (Co-Vice President), Bethany Wachtler (Co-Vice President), Jodi Blackman (Treasurer), Mary Hanson (Co-Secretary), Ruby McClorey (Co-Secretary), Michelle Lewis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Chelsea Davis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Gary Etchemendy (Principal)

La Bienvenida
Amy Sargent comenzó la reunión a las 18:00. Todo el mundo fue recibido. Amy presentó los miembros de la Junta Ejecutiva del 2014/15 a los participantes.

Informes de los Profesores
La Sra. Teri Birkel, una de las maestras de quinto grado, dio el primer Informe del Profesor. La Sra. Birkel tiene 17 años con la escuela y se entusiasmó con la participación de los padres en la reunión de PTC. Compartió con los padres los artículos que se usan para el tema de matemática en el quinto grado. Ahora los estudiantes están aprendiendo multiplicación y división con decimales, utilizando el Common Core. La Sra. Birkel repasó las tareas y pidió que los padres multiplicaran unos números. La Sra. Birkel utilizó “el tablero inteligente” y el proyector digital para mostrar las razones por los cuales uno mueve los decimales.

Introducciones de los Padres y de los Profesores
Los padres se presentaron, indicando además el /los grado(s) de su(s) niño(s).

Continuación de los Informes de los Profesores
La Sra. Melanie Rourke, maestra de música, dio el segundo Informe del Profesor, La Sra. Melanie Rourke y la señora Liz Tardif pasaron 4 semanas durante el verano pintando el mural del Capitolio de Salem que se encuentra en el gimnasio. El mural fue pintado originalmente por la clase del quinto grado de 2005 como un regalo a Englewood. La pintura del mural se había descolorado y se descascaraba un poco.  Las Sras. Rourke y Tardiff repintaron la misma imagen y añadieron un sellador para asegurarse que se iba a durar. La Sra. Melanie Rourke también habló de los cambios en el currículo general de música. El programa de música sigue el Common Core. El año pasado, la Sra. Rourke había implementado un programa en el cual los alumnos escribieron canciones y trabajaron en grupo.  La Sra. Rourke demostró el plan de estudios y la rúbrica de clasificación del 1er grado.  La Sra. Rourke luego mostró un ejemplo de cómo ella enseña dictado rítmico.

Principal Report

A continuación, el Sr. Gary Etchemendy dio el Informe del Director, lo cual se trató de las metas para el nuevo año escolar, la hoja del registro de la lectura hogar (RAH) y el estado de Englewood State Report Card (informe del estado sobre Englewood). El  Sr. Etchemendy quiere que todos sepan que si hay algo que alguien quiere discutir en la reunión de PTC, hay que llamarle o mandarle un correo electrónico  para que él puede añadir el tema a la agenda para la reunión. Él notó que este año, Englewood está utilizando más datos de aprendizaje para aumentar la puntuación de los estudiantes. También habló de la mejora en la asistencia de los alumnos, y contó que la demografía de los alumnos de la escuela ha cambiado y ahora Englewood puede ofrecer  el almuerzo gratis a todos los estudiantes de Englewood. El Sr. Etchemendy nos presentó el nuevo informe de progreso, lo cual se enfoca en los resultados al final del año. Esto puede llevarnos a cierta confusión en los primeros informes de progreso en noviembre. Es muy importante que los padres asistan a las conferencias padre-maestra en noviembre para entender Elementary Proficiency Based Grading (el nuevo sistema para calificar a los alumnos). Queremos que los padres hablen con los maestros de sus hijos  para cualquier duda o información adicional.

El Sr. Etchemendy mostró un video que explicaba el sistema de calificaciones, y luego habló de la hoja del registro de la lectura en hogar (RAH) para octubre. Sugirió a los padres que miraran en la parte posterior de la RAH, para encontrar el nivel de lectura de los estudiantes. El Sr. Etchemendy notó que el año pasado, la cantidad más grande libros fueron sacados de, y devueltos a, la biblioteca que en los años anteriores. El Sr. Etchemendy  presentó el nuevo consejero de Englewood, Sr. Alan Kanne, quien estaba presente. El Sr. Kanne es a tiempo completo y trabajó en Englewood antes.

El Sr. Etchemendy dio el Informe del Tesorero. Este verano recibimos un cheque con el dinero de la recaudación de fondos Chuck E Cheese, y estamos a punto de recibir el dinero de la recaudación por el plan del Fred Meyer Community Rewards del verano.

Próximos Eventos          
Competencia de Box Tops entre aulas
El concurso comienza el 15 de septiembre y termina el viernes, octubre 17
Las 3 aulas que junta la cantidad más grande de Box Top$ recibirá una fiesta de palomitas, y el Maestro recibirá $25,00 para gastar en la Feria del Libro Escolar.
Cortaremos Box Top$ en la próxima reunión de PTC, y necesitamos que todos estén cortados y enviados andes de la fecha del 1 de noviembre.

Desayuno de Panqueques          
                Sábado, 27 de septiembre, 8-10am         
                Se necesitan voluntarios y donaciones  
                Asamblea Inicial - viernes, 26 de septiembre
                Evento  – jueves, 9 de octubre 
                Reunión de planificación – martes, 16 de septiembre, 5:30pm   
                Estamos buscando patrocinadores para las camisetas    
Feria del Libro Escolar  
                12-18 de noviembre, antes y después del día escolar     
                Almuerzo con los Abuelos  – viernes, 14 de noviembre

Negocios Nuevos
Connie Dewey presentó el tema de lo nuevo: el PTC busca proveedores de cuidado de niños - si usted sabe de un estudiante de 7mo-12mo grado, nos gustaría saber para hacer una lista de personas de cuidado de niños para llamar en caso necesario. Pagamos $15 la hora y se necesitan el 2 º jueves durante el año escolar, excepto en enero.

Cerrar la Reunión

Amy Sargent cerró la reunión a las 18:57 por, y agradeció a todos por asistir.

Friday, October 3, 2014


It’s the halfway point of the BOX TOP$ CLASSROOM COMPETITION to help inspire students to get involved in clipping Box Tops for Education!

In recent years, Englewood has earned over $1,420 from the Box Tops for Education Program. We would like to earn a lot more. We just need your help!

On September 15th we started a classroom competition at Englewood. At the end of the 4 week competition, ending on October 17th, the 3 classrooms that bring in the most Box Tops receive a POPCORN PARTY and the teacher for that classroom receives $25 to spend at the Fall Book Fair.

The process is simple. You (or your child) should send in Box Tops and Bonus Box Tops to their teacher. 

Please make sure that your Box Tops are not expired.  

Have relatives give you their Box Tops as well!

After this fall Classroom Competition remember to save your BOX TOP$ for our next competition in the spring.

If you have questions or would like to help count Box Tops, you can contact the Englewood PTC; parent volunteer Box Tops Coordinator, at 

Let’s get clipping!

So far we have counted 4715 Box Tops, that equals $471.50

Jog-a-thon Volunteers Needed

Jog-a-thon kick-off was last Friday, and the information/donation envelopes were sent home with students.

We REALLY need volunteers for the Jog-a-thon on Thursday, October 9th, 9am-1pm.

We have spots open for people to work on the track, marking laps on the runners braclets & passing out water and snacks. Each class has a time slot of 20 minutes, please fee free to volunteer for as many shifts as possible.

Our kids love this event and love to have the parents there cheering them on! Please consider giving a bit of your time to help us make this a success.

HelpCounter Home Access: Click here to sign up for shifts in the Jog-a-thon 

Classroom Jog-a-thon Timetable Schedule  
Run Time
End Time
Room #
16, 18
7, 8
1, 2
14, 19
17, 21
15, 20

If you have any questions feel free to contact the Parent Teacher Club's email:

Monday, September 15, 2014

COMING SOON.... Englewood's 2nd Annual Jog-A-Thon!

It's time to start planning Englewood's Jog-A-Thon!

Our fist planning meeting will be this Thursday, September 18 from 5:30-6:30 in the library.    
Please join us if you are interested in being a part of the event committee or if you are just interested in finding out more about this fun event.  All are welcome!  

We are also currently seeking T-shirt sponsors.  If you know of a business that you think might be interested in sponsoring our event so that we can give a Jog-A-Thon T-shirt to every student at Englewood, please contact the PTC at or print one of our sponsorship letters and give it to the business.  

Thank you for your help!

A recap of last years amazing and spirited Jog-a-thon... We hope you'll help us make this year just as memorable.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

PTC Meeting Tonight!

Please join us this evening from 6:00-7:00pm in the Englewood library for our first PTC meeting of the 2014/15 school year.  
We will be hearing from our principal and some of our teachers about what is going on at school and in our classrooms and going over some exciting events that are coming up.
Childcare provided.
See you there!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back To School Night

Attention all students entering grades 1-5!

Be sure to attend our annual Back to School Night for a chance to meet your new teacher and drop off your school supplies.  Visit all the stations to fill your passport and be entered to win a prize on the first day of school!

Tuesday, September 2

Thursday, May 8, 2014

PTC Meeting Tonight

Parent Teacher Club Meeting Agenda
Thursday, May 8, 2014

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

1.       Welcome
6:00 - - - - -
2.       Call to Order
- - - - -6:05
3.       Introductions
6:05 – 6:15
4.       Teacher’s Report
·         Mrs. Teri Birkel
·         5th Grade Presentation
6:15 – 6:25
5.       Principal Report
·         Mr. Gary Etchemendy
6:25 – 6:35
6.       Treasurer’s Report
·         April’s Year-to-Date Budget
·         Vote on 2014/15 Budget
6:35 – 6:40
7.       Old Business
·         After School Program Survey Results
·         New Die Cuts and Machine Arrived
6:40 – 6:50
8.       Current Business
·         Spring Book Fair, 5/5-5/9
·         5th Grade Recognition
·         Summer Library Program
Ø$130 for the summer reading for 6 hours (1hour per day)
Ø$195 for 9 hours (1.5 hours per day)
Ø$26o for 12 hours (2 hours per day)
·         School Garden
9.       New Business
·         Next School Year’s Events and Fundraisers
10.   Adjournment

Upcoming Events
5/5-5/9         Spring Book Fair, Before and After School
5/15-5/16     4th Grade Astoria Field Trip
5/16             3rd Grade Field Trip
5/20             1st Grade Field Trip
5/23             Kettle Chip Day
5/26             No School
5/29             4th & 5th Grade Music Program, 6:30-7:30pm
5/30             5th Grade Field Trip
6/4               Volunteer Recognition        
6/4               Englewood Family and Friends Night at Chuck E. Cheese
6/11             5th Grade Recognition
6/12             Field Day and Last Day of School

Parent TC General Information

PTC Email:

Login Name: Englewood
Password: 62rew7

Fred Meyer Community Rewards NPO #90709