Sunday, March 23, 2014

March PTC Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 13, 2014 6:00pm-7:00pm

The meeting was called to order by Amy Sargent.

Lego presentation of what the kids had brought to recent OMSI Expo they were part of.  Liz reported out the recent OMSI Expo for Junior First Lego League had a great turn out. 6 teams from Englewood attended.

·        The budget looks good for next year. 
·        Gary working on Vision and Mission of Englewood.  Gary found something about Englewood Vision “All students will leave Englewood on a trajectory towards graduation and be prepared for a successful life” but could find nothing about Englewood’s mission.  He asked the parent club for some ideas.  Of course the fundamentals were mentioned.  Reading, writing and math but Community, Safety, Confidence and Passion for learning were also added as items we want our Mission statement to include. Gary is going to work with staff to complete a mission statement for Englewood. 
·        Gary mentioned there will be a Chess Club on Wednesday after school, starting after spring break. A parent at Englewood is helping coordinate the club.

·        Budget update.  Jodi said anything made in February will not show up until March. 
·        Lora mentioned over 10,000 box tops were sent in.  Made over $1,000.  $600 more than expected.  Next deadline is November 1st. Lora gave a big thank you to everyone.
·        AC Gilbert house was a success.  Over 70 students and with parents was about 120 people.   Good turnout.

·        Nominations for 2014/15 School Year.
o   Connie nominated Amy Sargent to be Volunteer Coordinator.  Everyone in favor. 
o   Michelle Lewis nominated Jodi Blackman as Treasurer. 
o   Need secretary and President. 
o   Co chairs are encouraged if it is too much for one person to take on.  This is a good way to divide up the work and still be involved.   
·        Mary discussed Family Fun night.  Still need Volunteers for set-up and decorating for the event the night before (April 3rd) or the Day of April 4th 2014. 
·        Each classroom is working on themed baskets for Raffle and there will be a Flower Pot auction and Silent Auction. The theme will be Western Round up.  Volunteers will receive 10 tickets to spend at FFN. 

·        May 5th (Cinco de Mayo) will kick off Spring Book Fair. 
·        Parent BBQ Lunch May 5th (hotdogs/burgers, $3.50 per person).
·        Teacher appreciation week May 5th-9th
·        5th Grade Graduation date TDB.  
·        PTC Board member openings will be up and coming and the nomination process has changed. Nominees will be voted in.

3/18 FFN Planning Meeting, 6-7pm
3/19 FFN Classroom Raffle Baskets Due
3/19 Kindergarten- No School
3/20-3/31-No School – Spring Break
4/1 FFN Planning Meeting, 6-7pm
4/4 FFN-Carnival and Auction
          4/10 PTC Meeting

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tonight is the PTC Meeting.

If you have a student at Englewood you are already a member! Add your voice to the few who contribute so much of their time to help make Englewood a great school community. Topics for presentation this evening will include Junior Lego League and Nominations for next years PTC Board.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Classroom “Theme Baskets”

The Family Fun Night and Silent Auction this year will feature Themed Baskets filled with contributions from students and families of Englewood. The money raised will help pay for PTC funded events and supplies; Field trips, classroom enrichment, technology, after school family nights, art, and other supplies not allocated by the district.

The baskets need items in all price ranges – it’s up to you what you can and want to donate. Gift cards are always a good idea! You don’t necessarily have to buy something – a recipe or perhaps “recycled items” for art supplies work too. You could also partner with other parents to purchase a larger item. Talk to your child’s teacher if you’re interested in helping to purchase the basket (or theme-related container) for your grade’s basket. Or maybe ask a local business to donate something that fits. Be creative!

Pagett & PM - Backyard Chef
Ames & Miller - Artists’ Supplies
Lutz & Kuenzi - Sports Anyone?
Tardif/Brannon, Manning & McAllister- The Great Outdoors
McQueen, Zade & Martin-Baker - Spring Gardening
Kenton & Birkel - A Day in the Sun

The auction will take place at the Englewood Family Fun Night, Friday, April 4th, 5:00pm – 8:00pm.

Donations are due to your child’s class by Wednesday, March 18th – BEFORE Spring Break! We can’t wait to see all the great things you and your kids come up with!

In addition, families with their own businesses are invited to contribute item(s) and/or gift certificate(s) for a “Family Business” basket. Please clearly label these items and drop them off in the school office. – Please contact one of our coordinators for more information.

Questions? Please contact Mary Hanson at 503-991-2889 or email

Spring Gardening Ideas for Donations
Garden tools, gift certificate for Massage, gift cert for Nursery, garden gloves, gardening hat, gardening apron, flamingo lawn art, butterfly friendly plants, garden pad, seeds, pots, sunscreen, hand lotion, hand soap,
Artist Supplies Ideas for Donations
Fabric paints and cloth items to decorate, colored pens/pencils, artist chalk, paint, paint brushes, stencils, beads, foam shapes, stickers, paper, aprons/smocks, pipe cleaners, glitter, glue, finger-paints & paper, birdhouse/treasure chest/etc. kit, iron-on paper, shrinky-dinks, contact paper, how-to books, sketch book, loop loom, rock polishing, spin art, color- or paint-by-numbers, gift card to craft store, frames, canvas, easel

A Day in the Sun Ideas for Donations
Frisbee, sunscreen, flip flops, sunglasses, hat, visor, beach towels, bubbles, sprinkler, hula hoop, balls, RC car, kiddie pool, water toys, swim goggles, beach balls, shovel and pail, sand toys, hopping balls, kite, jump rope, badminton, tether ball, bike helmets/pads, bike accessories, reflective tape, pedometer, gift card to department store or restaurant

Sports Anyone? Ideas for Donations
Sports balls, mouth guard, water bottles, jump rope, sports team shirts/jerseys, tickets to sporting events, duffle/sport bags, baseball gear (bat, ball, helmet, cap, mitt, facemask, bases, tee for t-ball, etc.), goggles, swim cap, kickboard, football tee, sports drinks, skin guards, gift card for sporting goods/fast food/classes & activities (martial arts, YMCA, sport camps, etc.)

Great Outdoors Ideas for Donations
Camp chairs, fishing gear, water bottles, bug spray, backpack, tent, badminton, outdoor thermometer, local parks maps, trail mix, ponchos, flashlights, mess kit, compass, starter sticks (for campfire), stuff for s'mores, marshmallow roasting sticks, cooler, canteen, lantern, batteries, bug catcher/house, book about birds/outdoors/camping/hiking, binoculars, gift card to outdoor/sports store

Backyard Chef Ideas for Donations
Long-handled tongs, grill tools, grill scrubber, skewers, wood chips, charcoal, apron, lighter fluid, aim 'n flame, apron, chef hat, oven mitts, meat rubs, seasonings, sauces, marinades, grill basket, corn-cob holders, marshmallow forks, picnic basket, table cloth, paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils, plastic cups, platter, plastic wine glasses, citronella candles, grocery store gift card
Artist Supplies Ideas for Donations
Fabric paints and cloth items to decorate, colored pens/pencils, artist chalk, paint, paint brushes, stencils, beads, foam shapes, stickers, paper, aprons/smocks, pipe cleaners, glitter, glue, finger-paints & paper, birdhouse/treasure chest/etc. kit, iron-on paper, shrinky-dinks, contact paper, how-to books, sketch book, loop loom, rock polishing, spin art, color- or paint-by-numbers, gift card to craft store, frames, canvas, easel