Wednesday, April 30, 2014

You Can Join In Helping Englewood PTC Earn Donations

Englewood Parent Teacher Club NPO #90709
Englewood Parent Teacher Club supporters (10 households so far) who shopped at Fred Meyer between 02/03/2014 and 03/31/2014 have contributed to Englewood PTC’s $118.90 total donation. 
You can help Englewood PTC earn donations, just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card! Linking your rewards card to our organization! NPO #90709
Here’s how the program works:
1.       Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Englewood Parent Teacher Club at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number, #90709.
2.       Every time you shop and use your Rewards Card you will help us earn a donation.
3.       You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today.
4.       If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store, or register your phone number and obtain an e-card online.
5.       For more information, please visit
Fred Meyer’s will never share a customer's personal information. This privacy policy applies to Community Rewards participation as well. Thank you for your continued support of your local Fred Meyer store. The more your supporters shop with us, the more money your organization will earn!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Book Fair - Parent's BBQ Lunch - Volunteers Needed!

Dear Englewood Families,
Our Spring Book Fair will be held, Monday, May 5th through Friday, May 9th, before and after school.

We need volunteers to help with our Book Fair Event: Parent’s BBQ Lunch.
Monday, May 5th
1st and 2nd grade lunch (11:00 - 11:45am)
3rd grade lunch (11:45 – 12:30pm)
4th and 5th grade lunch (12:30 - 1:15pm)

Join our volunteer team to:

·         Help make decorations and signs
·         Offer a helping hand to set up
·         Sit at the welcome and lunch sales table.
·         Assist shoppers of find the perfect book
·         Run Book Fair cash registers

Sigh-up on HelpCounter, Englewood HelpCounter Home Access Link

As a Thank You - For every hour you volunteer you earn 5 scholastic dollars to spend at the Book Fair. There is a 1 hour minimum.

Mary Hanson and Amy Sargent, Book Fair Chairwomen

-or- If you’d like to help with our Book Fair, please complete the form below and send it back to Mary Hanson, Book Fair Coordinator or email it to with the following information…

Parent name:
Student name:
Telephone number(s):
Please select when you would like to help out. (Select as many times as you’d like.)
_____I can help make decorations and signs on Thursday, May 1st, 5:30-7:00pm, in the Library.
_____I can help set up before lunch. (9:00-11:00am)
Parent’s BBQ Lunch & Book Fair Browse Shifts
_____   1st and 2nd grade lunch (11:00 - 11:45am)
_____   3rd grade lunch (11:45 – 12:30pm)
_____   4th and 5th grade lunch (12:30 - 1:15pm)             
_____I can help clean up after the lunch.

_____I am available any time. Please let me know what times I could be of help. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

April PTC Meeting Minutes

April Meeting MINUTES
Englewood Parent Teacher Club
4/10/2014            6:00-7:00 PM
Meeting called to order by Connie Dewey

In Attendance
President, Mary Hanson, Vice President, Michelle Russell; Treasurer, Jodi Blackman;  Volunteer Coordinator, Connie Dewey; Co-volunteer Coordinator, Amy Sargent; Box Tops Coordinator; Lora Dougherty; Fundraising Coordinator, Michelle Lewis; Staff Appreciation Co-Coordinator, Bethany Wachtler; SMART Coordinator; Kurt Haas; Additional parents; Kim Keady, Greg Sargent, Chelsea Davis, Joel Estrada, Mike Tardif, Pat Lewis; Englewood Staff, Rachel Kuenzi, Liz Tardif, and Annette Cridge; and Principal, Gary Etchemendy.

Welcome and introductions around the room was made.

Principal Report                   By: Gary Etchemendy
Principal Etchemendy spoke about the testing taking place in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade classrooms. As well as the differences in the classroom where there is 1-2 hours of testing each day. Reading and Math get results when tests are complete, Writing results we will get back later. Testing will be done by April 15.
The Technology Needs and Requests were reviewed as follows:
·   We need up to 5 more wireless connections @ $800 per point = $4000
·   8 classrooms need their projectors mounted  @ about $500 each. = $5,000
·   2-3 more Smart Board (17, 19, music?) – There is a possibility to use the one from the library, then get a projection screen in it's place = $6000
·   1st Grade needs – Smart tablets and Apps that can be used in small groups.
·   2nd & 3rd needs – Smart tablets and Apps that can be used in small groups, as well as laptops for keyboarding.
·   LRC needs iPads 
· With a total of 50 iPads  @ $400 = 20,000  
· 4th & 5th needs – Laptops for research, keyboarding (10 laptops per class), must be district supported, 40 @ $642.36 = 25,694.40
·   Teachers also need Summer Training Time
·   Grande Total = $58,000

The PTC Executive Board Positions were considered. Nomination slips were read and everyone in attendance was encouraged to recommend nominations.
The 2014/15 PTC Executive Board was proposed:
·   President: Amy Sargent
·   Co-Vice Presidents: Connie Dewey and Bethany Wachtler
·   Co-Secretary’s: Ruby McClorey and Mary Hanson
·   Treasurer: Jodi Blackman
·   Co-Volunteer Coordinators: Chelsea Davis and Michelle Lewis
A motion to elect the Executive Board was made by Lora Dougherty and seconded by Connie Dewey.  All present voted in favor, and the 2014/15 PTC Executive Board was confirmed.

If you are interested in joining the Executive PTC Board email or speak to a PTC Board Member.

Link to Parent Teacher Club Executive Board Job Descriptions

Teacher Report        By: Ms. Rachel Kuenzi’s and her 2nd Grade Students
Classroom Presentation    
·   Smart Board presentation, the student and Ms. Kuenzi demonstrated how they use music to help learn information and terminology about the universe.
·   Ms. Kuenzi and Her students sang a song called, “Oh Moon”. Sang to the tune of “Blue Moon”.

Fund Request          By: Rachel Kuenzi
Proposed funds for updated rolling die machine and more educational and font die cut sets.
·   Requesting $1746.73
·   Appropriated from the School Support; Operating Expenses
·   A motioned to approve the funds was made by Michelle Lewis and seconded by Mary Hanson. All present voted in favor, and purchase for the die cut machine and die cuts was confirmed.
·   Board member to follow up purchase: Mary Hanson

Board Reports
Treasurer’s Report   By: Jodi Blackman
The March Year-to-Date Budget, Present 2013/14 Income and expenses Budget was distributed. We made $521.00 from Englewood Family and Friends night at Carl’s Jr.  
The proposed 2014/15 Budget and the Budget Narrative was also distributed and reviewed by the board in the last executive meeting. In May PTC meeting, we will vote to approve the projected budget.

PTC Event Reports
·   Recap of Family Fun Night: Great night! Because we chose to sell tickets for the low price of 25₵ the income was lower than expected. This is fine because we already made over our projected income for the year as a whole. Next year we will decide if we should increase ticket costs, or keep it the same, based on the income-to-date next year. And, a huge Thank you to the NSH SKEF Enrichment Academy for volunteering! PTC is hosting a pizza party for them for all their hard work!
·   Spring Book Fair, 5/5-5/9
·   Parent’s BBQ Lunch, 5/5
·   Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/5-5/9
·   School Garden: SKEF’s Garden Program Coordinator has visited Englewood and is in the process of making a plan for where to put the garden. Looking into near the portable building, may be able to use the gutter to catch rainwater.
·   Summer Library Program: Anyone interested in coordinating a summer library program, should contact the PTC and Mr. Etchemendy.

2014/15 School Year Event Committees
There are a number of parent openings on the event committees. These openings are as listed:
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Jog-a-Thon     
  • Fall Book Fair
  • Winter Fest
  • Science, Math and Writing Nights
  • Family Fun Night, Silent Auction, Classroom Gift Basket Raffle, Flower Pot Auction       
  • Spring Book Fair 
  • Staff Appreciation Week
  • Box Tops for Education Coordinator
  • Restaurant Nights
  • School Spirit Apparel 
  • Artists in Residence
  • Movie Night
  • Bingo Night
  • Fund Raising Coordinator
  • Donation Coordinator
  • Webmaster
  • Popcorn Friday
  • Library Volunteer Coordinator
  • Room Parent Coordinator
  • Lost and Found
  • Bulletin Board and Calendar

To ensure Englewood will have any of these events we need a chairperson for each event.
If you are interested in chairing, or serving on a committee please contact the PTC Board at

Link to Annual PTC Event Descriptions

Upcoming Events
4/17             Parrish Open House for 5th Graders
4/28             No School
5/1               Parrish Band Tour Assembly, 10:30-11am
5/5               Parent’s BBQ Lunch and Book Fair Browse
5/5-5/9         Spring Book Fair, Before and After School
5/5-5/9         Teacher Appreciation Week
5/8                Parent Teacher Club Meeting
5/15-5/16     4th Grade Astoria Field Trip
5/16             3rd Grade Field Trip
5/20             1st Grade Field Trip
5/26             No School
5/29             4th & 5th Grade Music Program, 6:30-7:30pm
5/30             5th Grade Field Trip
6/4               Volunteer Recognition        
6/4               Englewood Family and Friends Night at Chuck E. Cheese
6/11             5th Grade Recognition
6/12             Field Day and Last Day of School

Spring Book Fair

Englewood's Bulletin Board for the Spring Book Fair!

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Englewood Monday, May 5th through Friday, May 9th.  The theme this year – Book Fair Fiesta: ¡Yo Quiero Libros! (I Want Books!) ¡Vamos a Leer! (Let’s Go Read!) – surrounds students in the celebration of reading with hundreds of fun, engaging, affordable books for them to discover. Giving the kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books motivates them to read more. And, all the purchases benefit the school.

Monday, May 5th                      Before and after school 
                                                  During the Parent BBQ Lunch
Tuesday, May 6th                      Before and after school
Wednasday, May 7th                 Before and after school
Thursday, May 8th                    Before and after school
Friday, May 9th                         Before and after school

We need your help to make it happen! Please share your talents and join us for a shift… or two. Volunteer opportunities include: set-up, decorations, cashier, and clean-up. Check out HelpCounter at Thank you!
Questions? Contact Book Fair Co-Chairs Mary Hanson and Amy Sargent at

Spring Book Fair Volunteer Flier PDF.pdf

Monday, April 7, 2014

Family Fun Night Brings the Englewood Community Together!

Families from Englewood gathered on Friday night, April 4, 2014 to enjoy night of family fun. The event was organized by the Englewood Parent Teacher Club, spearheaded by FFN Chairwoman Mary Hanson and Principal Gary Etchemendy. This year’s Family Fun Night was an opportunity to celebrate the success of Englewood Elementary School as a Community School, 

Over 300 students and their families participated in this event that involved games, prizes, face painting, silly hair, music, cotton candy, hotdogs, and a cake walk. We were thrilled with the turn out and families really enjoyed having the opportunity to spend some time together. PTC is so thankful for the Englewood community that donated theme basket items, and for an amazing team of volunteers. The PTC would not have had such a successful evening without the help of so many incredible people, including  teachers, staff, parents, and the North Salem High School student volunteers.

What a fabulous evening! Family Fun Night was once again an absolutely fabulous event. Most importantly, the kids seemed to have great fun. There were great new western theme activities, as well as many returning favorites. The Raffle baskets and all other items in the Auction Room were once again stupendous, and the Flowerpots in Auction (thank you, Teachers, volunteers who helped, and students!) was amazing. The silly hair, newspaper hats, and face painting in the bottom floor hall were of course a great draw.

On behalf of the Englewood Parent-Teacher Club, we say thank you to Family Fun Night Chair Mary Hanson and all the event planning Coordinators, Amy Sargent, Connie Dewey, Shawn Hanson, Lora Dougherty, Bethany Wachtler, Michelle Lewis, Jodi Blackman, Ruby McClorey and our whole fabulous team who together have put 100s, no, 1000s of hours into organizing Family Fun Night.

More will follow (stay tuned), but We have to say THANK YOU to all the amazing volunteers (parents, North Salem High school students, and staff) who made it all possible – by helping in the classrooms, volunteer for other tasks, contributing so generously to Baskets, Class Flowerpots, Auction Room, and so so much more. Thank you as well to all staff (Admin, Teachers, and other). And a huge thank you to Mr. Etchmendy and Mrs. Kay Wallace for helping with putting the whole event together. Naturally, we extend our gratitude as well to our sponsors. 

 And one more super big thank you to everyone that stayed afterwards and helped us clean up! You're awesome!

All the Amazing Family Fun Night Sponsors.