Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Parent Teacher Club Meeting Minutes

March Parent-Teacher Club Meeting

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Meeting Minutes

PTC Executive Board Members:  Amy Sargent (President), Connie Dewey (Co-Vice President), Bethany Watchler (Co-Vice President), Jodi Blackman (Treasurer), Mary Hanson (Secretary), Michelle Lewis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Chelsea Davis (Co-Volunteer Coordinator), Gary Etchemendy (Principal)I.

Welcome/Introductions  By:  Amy Sargent
·         Amy called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
·         Introductions around the room were made; everyone said their name and what grade their student(s) are in.
Teacher Report By:  Mrs. Martin-Baker and students
4th Grade Math Standards and Curriculum
Treasurer Report By:  Jodi Blackman
·         Budget
o   February – Income
o   N/A                                                $0
·         February - Expenses
o   School Support         $ 50.00 *Teacher Bucks
o   Total                                              $ 50.00
New Business 
Technology Budget Approval By:  Jodi Blackman
·         Englewood Technology Budget and Spending
·         Budget:                $12,000                 2014-15
·         Budget:                $10,000                 2013-14
·         Actual:                  $2,462                   2014-15
·         Proposed:           $25,502
·         Difference:         $9,538
·         Difference:         $15,502
o   We can justify the difference in spending the extra $15,502 in 14-15 because of the $9,538 that was left from 13-14.  This $9,538 was absorbed into the carryover of $39,594 that we started 2014-15 with.
o   In order to fully fund the technology needed we would need to pull $15,502 from the reserves. 
o   This additional $5,502, above and beyond our $10,000 reserve amount would be no problem due to the fact that year-to-date we are already $15,973 ahead of budgeted income, without Family Fun Night.  We are also $26,000 below in expenses with only 4 months left of the year.
o   Items purchased from technology budget in 2013-14/2014-15 include:
§  2 Smart Boards
§  35 Chrome Books and Software
§  1 cart for Chrome Books
§  33 iPad Mini’s
§  Licenses for all
§  Cases for all
·         Total spent on Technology for 2013-14/2014-15    $27,964
·         1st Motion to Approve:  Michelle Lewis
·         2nd Motion to Approve: Samuel Pino
·         All in favor
·         None opposed
Family Enrichment Night By:  Jodi Blackman
·         SKEF mobile Ag Fest
2014-15 Yearbooks  By:  Amy Sargent
·         Please send pictures to by 4/1/15
·         Deadline for ordering is 4/10/15
2015-16 PTC Board and Budget By:  Amy Sargent
·         Proposed Budget and Board Nominations to be presented at April meeting
·         Please let us know if you are interested in being part of next year’s board!
Upcoming  Events
Box Tops Classroom Competition
·         March 16- April 17By:  Mary Hanson
Spring Book Fair By:  Amy Sargent
·         Monday 4/6 – Friday 4/10
·         Family Lunch - Friday, 4/10
·         Volunteers needed on 4/10 for setup and lunch ticket sales
Family Fun Night By:  Mary Hanson/Bethany Wachtler
·         Event will be Friday, May 1, 2015
·         Looking for volunteers to help plan and coordinate the event
·         Next Planning Meeting: Tuesday, 3/17, 5:30 pm – All are welcome!

Adjournment By:  Amy Sargent

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction

The Family Fun Night and Silent Auction this year will feature Themed Baskets filled with contributions from students and families of Englewood. The money raised will help pay for PTC funded events and supplies; Field trips, classroom enrichment, technology, after school family nights, art, and other supplies not allocated by the district.

The auction will take place at the Family Fun Night, Friday, May 1st.         

The baskets need items in all price ranges – it’s up to you what you can and want to donate. Gift cards are always a good idea! You don’t necessarily have to buy something – a recipe or perhaps “recycled items” for art supplies work too. You could also partner with other parents to purchase a larger item. Talk to your child’s teacher if you’re interested in helping to purchase the basket (or theme-related container) for your grade’s basket. Or maybe ask a local business to donate something that fits. Be creative! 

Donations are due to your child’s class by Friday, April 24th. We can’t wait to see all the great things you and your kids come up with! 

Questions? Please contact Mary Hanson at

Pagett AM & PM
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
Sports Anyone?

Sports Anyone? Ideas for Donations
Sports balls, mouth guard, water bottles, jump rope, sports team shirts/jerseys, tickets to sporting events, duffle/sport bags, baseball gear (bat, ball, helmet, cap, mitt, facemask, bases, tee for t-ball, etc.), goggles, swim cap, kickboard, football tee, sports drinks, skin guards, gift card for sporting goods/fast food/classes & activities (martial arts, YMCA, sport camps, etc.).

Ames & Gibbons
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
The Great Outdoors

Great Outdoors Ideas for Donations
Camp chairs, fishing gear, water bottles, bug spray, backpack, tent, badminton, outdoor thermometer, local parks maps, trail mix, ponchos, flashlights, mess kit, compass, starter sticks (for campfire), stuff for s'mores, marshmallow roasting sticks, cooler, canteen, lantern, batteries, bug catcher/house, book about birds/outdoors/camping/hiking, binoculars, gift card to outdoor/sports store.

Lutz and Kuenzi
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
Backyard Chef

Backyard Chef Ideas for Donations
Long-handled tongs, grill tools, grill scrubber, skewers, wood chips, charcoal, apron, lighter fluid, aim 'n flame, apron, chef hat, oven mitts, meat rubs, seasonings, sauces, marinades, grill basket, corn-cob holders, marshmallow forks, picnic basket, table cloth, paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils, plastic cups, platter, plastic wine glasses, citronella candles, grocery store gift card.

Manning, McAllister, & Brannon
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
Spring Gardening

Spring Gardening Ideas for Donations
Garden tools, gift certificate for Massage, gift certificate for Nursery, garden gloves, gardening hat, gardening apron, flamingo lawn art, butterfly friendly plants, garden pad, seeds, pots, sunscreen, hand lotion, hand soap.

Martin-Baker, McQueen, & Schelhaas
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
Artists’ Supplies

Artist Supplies Ideas for Donations
Fabric paints and cloth items to decorate, colored pens/pencils, artist chalk, paint, paint brushes, stencils, beads, foam shapes, stickers, paper, aprons/smocks, pipe cleaners, glitter, glue, finger-paints & paper, birdhouse/treasure chest/etc. kit, iron-on paper, shrinky-dinks, contact paper, how-to books, sketch book, loop loom, rock polishing, spin art, color- or paint-by-numbers, gift card to craft store, frames, canvas, easel.

Birkel and Kenton    
Classroom “Theme Basket” Auction
A Day in the Sun

A Day in the Sun Ideas for Donations
Frisbee, sunscreen, flip flops, sunglasses, hat, visor, beach towels, bubbles, sprinkler, hula hoop, balls, RC car, kiddie pool, water toys, swim goggles, beach balls, shovel and pail, sand toys, hopping balls, kite, jump rope, badminton, tether ball, bike helmets/pads, bike accessories, reflective tape, pedometer, gift card to department store or restaurant.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Children’s Art Workshop

Childrens Art Workshop_March 2015Wednesday, March 25 | 1-4 pm | Englewood UMC and Neighborhood Center

1110 17th St. NE | Salem, Oregon 97301Ages 7-12 | Admission: $5 (scholarships available)
Click here to register online

Sponsored by Salem Art Association Gallery Guides
This Children’s Art Workshop will include include the following activities:
  • Creative Puppet Making with Connie Essaides
  • Weaving and Fiber Arts with Rose Parks
  • Colorful Collages with Linda Hornbeck
Space is limited to 25 participants. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Box Top$ Classroom Competition

Family Fun Night Planning Meeting

Family Fun Night Planning Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Englewood Library

Family Fun Night is Coming!

Families from Englewood will gather on Friday night, May 1, 2015 to enjoy night of family fun, from 5:00-8:00 PM. The event is organized by the Englewood Parent Teacher Club. This year’s Family Fun Night is an opportunity to celebrate the success of Englewood as a Community. The PTC anticipates a very successful evening, but not without the help of so many incredible people, including sponsors, teachers, staff, parents, and student volunteers.

Over 300 students and their families participate in this event that involves games, prizes, face painting, a DJ, cotton candy, food, beverages, and a cake walk. We are always thrilled with the turn out and families really enjoyed having the opportunity to spend some time together.
PTC is so thankful for the Englewood community that donates theme basket items, and for an amazing team of volunteers. The PTC would not have such a successful evening without the help of so many incredible people, please consider helping coordinate, donating, or volunteering.

Donations needed: water bottles, soda pop, red-vines, popcorn kernels, napkins, paper plates, plastic cups, and plastic utensils. 

Classroom Theme Baskets

Englewood PTC hosts an annual Family Fun Night celebration on Friday, May 1st.  Each year we are ask each grade to provide a themed basket to donate to the auction. In order to make this happen, we need an Adult Volunteer Room Rep for each class.

The Teachers picked their themes, Families are asked to bring donations to fill the baskets.

There is still time to sign up! We need at 14 Room Reps by March 20th. 

Grades                                              Basket Themes
Kindergarten AM & PM                – Sports Anyone
1st Grade                                          – The Great Outdoors
2nd Grade                                        – Backyard Chef
3rd Grade and Room 14                  – Spring Gardening
4th Grade, Room 19 & 21                – Artists’ Supplies
5th Grade                                           – A Day in the Sun

For more details
Text/call Mary Hanson at 503-991-2889
Sign up of HelpCounter® at