Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Upcoming Events

Teacher Appreciation Week

Monday, April 24 to Thursday, April 27

We’d like to invite all students and parents to show extra gratitude to teachers and Englewood staff during that week.
Here are our daily themes if you choose to join in. Just bring items to you teacher each day. These items do not need to be expensive and you can pick and choose which days you join in. This is not required (participation is optional).
Monday: Snack Day (sweet or salty treats) 
Tuesday: Thank you card day
Wednesday: School supply day
Thursday: Flower Day
Teacher Appreciation Facebook Event Page

Spring Book Fair

Monday, May 1 to Friday, May 5

Open before and after school, in the portable building.

Family Event: Parent’s BBQ Lunch: Monday, May 1. 
We would like to invite ALL Parents to come enjoy lunch with their child. Parents may take their child shopping at our Book Fair after eating lunch.
Parent’s Cost: $3.80 (Pay the day of event)
Englewood Student’s: Free
Extra Child: $2.30

1st Lunch 11:00 Classrooms 3 & 5
2nd Lunch        11:30 Classrooms 1, 2, 4, 7, 8
3rd Lunch 12:00 Classrooms 16, 17, 18, 21
4th Lunch 12:30 Classrooms 14, 15, 19, 20

Please either send the flyer that was send home already, or email volunteeratenglewood@gmail.com the number attending and what lunch time. Thank you.
Parent's BBQ Lunch Facebook Event Page

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